Ok, you have made the emotional decision that you and your spouse must separate and possibly
divorce. Do you need a lawyer and if so how much will a family lawyer cost me?
The question of the costs of a family lawyer may very well be the number 1 question a
person will ask themselves, or others, before hiring legal representation for in-court representation or
separation contracts.
The answer to this question is not so simple, as every lawyer will have a different cost for their time
spent on your case. What are some of the factors?
- How many years of experience a family lawyer has
- How in demand the lawyer may be
- The complexity of your family case
- Does the lawyer have to travel to a different city?
In Ontario, you can expect to pay anywhere from $300.00 upwards to $600.00 per hour and the above
factors will determine the hourly rate.
Lawyers in general also may offer various payment terms such as:
- Hourly rates
- Flat rates
- Monthly or weekly payment plans
If you seek the help of a family lawyer, they will be upfront with their costs and payment terms during
your consultation with them. They will also advise you of the separate court fees for filing certain
documentation that is necessary for family legal issues.
Do Lawyers Give Free Consultations?
This is another popular question when seeking to retain a family lawyer, and the answer is also not so
cut and dry. Lawyers, for many different reasons of their own, may or may not give consultations for
Some lawyers may give a 20-minute – 30-minute free consultation while others may charge $200.00 –
$400.00 for a one-hour consultation. You rarely will see a free consultation go over the 30-minute mark.
You have to ask yourself one question, do you want a quick summary from a lawyer about your case? or
would you rather get a full legal understanding of your rights and position during a paid 60-minute
consultation? The more time you spend with a lawyer the more depth things will be explained to you.
What Will I Learn During a Consultation With a Lawyer?
Depending on how much time you spend with a family lawyer during your initial consultation the more
detail and depth the lawyer is able to get into with you.
What will you learn during a consultation with a family lawyer?
- The lawyers’ fees for taking on your case
- Your rights
- Parental rights if children are involved
- Best and worst-case outcomes of your family matter
- Approximate time the case will take
- Court filing fees
It is highly advised by many legal professionals when deciding to retain a family lawyer to have a paid
consultation in order to gain more knowledge about their case. You also want to spend more time with
the lawyer in order to see if he or she will be a right fit for you. The money you pay for a
consultation is to obtain the best possible outcome for this very important period in your life.