Family Lawyer in Court Representation Lawyer

by | Aug 30, 2023 | Family Law

Most couples prefer to resolve their family differences outside of a courtroom. However, there

are situations when people do not see eye to eye and cannot make an agreement. In this

situation court is one of the alternatives and representation by an experienced family lawyer

can be what tips things in your favor.

Do You Need Legal Representation?

If you believe these family issues cannot be resolved between each other in private and you see

matters heading toward a courtroom it is imperative you obtain in-court representation. Having a

knowledgeable family lawyer by your side will give you the best chance at the outcome you


If you fall into one of these categories in-court representation might be what is needed:

  • Defending your parental rights
  • Paying the proper amount of child support
  • Receiving the proper amount of child support
  • Property division fairness
  •  Paying the correct amount for spousal support
  •  Receiving the correct amount for spousal support
  •  Child custody and access
  •  Martial home division

If you and your spouse do come to an agreement outside of a courtroom it is still advised you

seek the advice and guidance of a family lawyer as issues may arise down the road. Having a

legally binding contract written up properly can protect your rights.

Can I Represent Myself in Family Court?

Legally, yes, you can represent yourself in court with regard to family issues.

However, you may find yourself in a complex litigation case where you have no

understanding of the proceedings or how best to represent yourself. This will prove to

be a major disadvantage to you especially if your ex-spouse has secured a family

lawyer to represent them. Even though you may feel nobody can explain the family

issue at hand better than yourself you may be setting yourself up for many

disadvantages and unseen court costs which will lead you to more stress and


As a self-represented litigant the responsibility will rest on your shoulders alone in terms

of the proper presentation of your case and the court will not allow you to use a crutch

that you do not have legal representation when presenting your case. You must

understand all the courtrooms’ legalities.

If you still feel compelled and confident you would like to represent yourself in court here

is a link to the Ontario Court of Justice website that can give you a walk-through on self-



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