Child Support Lawyer Oakville

Parenting and Decision Making

Child Custody and Access Lawyer

If you are looking for a Oakville Family Lawyer who fully understands the legalities of child custody and access then contact Alves Law today to discuss your situation. Alves Law has the legal experience you want in your corner during this sometimes stressful period in your life.

Legal Representation For Parenting In Divorce

There are situations that call for legal help and representation in court in regards to your children during a separation or divorce. Contact Emma Alves Family Lawyer to discuss what might be best for you and your children.

Family Lawyer Representing Clients In Parenting Disputes

When parents of children come to a final decision on separating or divorce, quite possibly the most important issue to be decided is the way each person will continue to parent their child(ren). Child visitation arrangements will have a tremendous impact on your children’s well-being. For this reason, it is beneficial to speak to a family lawyer about custody and access arrangements in the early stages of divorce or separation.

In some situations the parents may agree to continue to make decisions for the well being of their children together. Unfortunately in other situations the parents cannot agree on parenting matters including where the child will live, medical decisions, religion, education, and the list goes on. Seeking out legal advice is highly recommend.

Alves Law Has The Answers

Help With Your Child Access and Custody

Alves Law understands how challenging and emotional this subject is for parents. Both parents do love their children and with that comes many mixed emotions, arguments and legal battles if the parents can not come to an agreement before hand. Seeking out legal advice is highly recommended as knowing the law will help protect your rights and those of your children.

Parents have questions and Alves Law is here to answer:

  • What spouse is financially responsible for my child?
  • Where will the primary residence of my child be?
  • My spouse has left our home; can he or she take the children with them?
  • How often can I see my children?
  • What happens if parents cannot agree on holiday visitation schedules?

Oakville Child Support Lawyers You Can Trust

Alves Law in Oakville is dedicated to helping clients achieve the most appropriate resolution in regards to their child access situation. We do this by informal discussions and through representing client interests in courtroom in front of a family law judge.

Alves Law is fully aware that the breakdown of any relationship is a difficult time for people. Therefore, our main objective is to achieve a peacefully resolution for client custody and/or access dispute in a friendly and efficient manner while maintaining the child’s best interests.

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